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Over the years, there have been very few films that pertain to Rap/Hip Hop culture at large that have broken the glass ceiling and made their way into the masses. Think of films like 'How High' or in this case, the suburban gangsta comedy 'Malibu's Most Wanted.' And who better to flip one of the most infamous lines from the movie into a edgy banger that resident dope manufacturer, Rapper Tyler Gary.

The LA based MC just shared his new record "Chapstick" that borrows the lines from the film, "Traffic, traffic, looking for my chapstick. Feeling kind of carsick, there's a Ford Maverick," and it's actually pretty damn fire! Rocking with production from StarFaux, "Chapstick" has a super aggressive, in-your-face aura and Tyler Gary does a one of a kind job of corralling that energy and focusing it into a hyphy record.

It's unconventional to say the least, but that's definitely saying the most right now considering how saturated the industry is with one sound at the moment. At any rate, peep the record and be sure to stay on the look out for more smoke from Tyler Gary in the weeks to come. More to come after the DROP.

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